2. お知らせ
  3. 死の恐怖ーパンドラの箱ー | ブレインスパ
  • 死の恐怖ーパンドラの箱ー

    2018.4.25カテゴリー: お知らせ体験談


    「この死の恐怖」とともに生きるのか? だったら可哀そうでとても子供なんて産めない!



    そして最新のニューロプティマル®3のテストチームとして何十回もセッションを繰り返すうちに朝方とてもビビッドな夢を見るようになりました。そのたびに「これで良いんだ」という気づきを得る事ができるようになってきました。「死」という一時的な事よりも「死」さえも連続している大きな流れの一部であり、それだから、たった今「この身体でこの苦しみを乗り越え、この環境でこんな事しているんのだ」という確信になりました。パンドラの箱はそれは自分の一部かもしれないけどもそこにあえてフォーカスすることも無くすべて含んだ自分をホリスティックに楽しんでいけば良いし80歳になっても90歳になってもその続きを楽しみ続けて行く事を自分で決めればそれでいいんじゃん!という事に自分の「信」が大きくパラダイムシフトしました! 楽しくてたまらないぜぃ!(^^)!


    I’d like to share my NO®3 experience.

    Tremendous fear of death had always been with me since I was a little kid.

    I always thought as an elementary school kid, “I would feel pity for my child in the future because he or she would experience a very painful emotion of fear of death like me.”

    When I moved to Sri Lanka, I was surrounded with death around the clock because it was a civil war area. Gradually my body and mind got suffered, developing PTSD, hysteria, depression, and narcolepsy. Since then I had to take lots of medicine every single day for decades fighting against the fear of death.

    Then I met across a linear neurofeedback, and my emotion got flat. Fear of death receded, but my overall emotion had diminished and I felt that I just existed. I thought it was OK because I was no longer with the fear of death.

    When I encountered NeurOptimal®, NO®2 made me feel I happened to touch and open my pandora box which I pretended not to see. NO®2 urged me to organize my pandora box one step at a time. I felt gratitude for my life as I kept organizing my pandora box which has no end like fractal.

    At last I’m with NeurOptimal®3. After dozens of sessions, I have many vivid dreams and many Aha! moments just before I wake up in the morning. My Aha! moments are often related to death. “Right! NOW is a part of continuity. That’s why I’m this way and I have these challenges and this body.

    In the past I used to focus on death and spent every day processing its information. And now I see my pandora box from a different angle. The moment I live is a cutout of a spreading long continuity. Because of this continuity, an 80 or 90-year-old can enjoy one’s life to the fullest.

    My pandora box doesn’t really matter. I don’t have to cling to it. The whole me got burst open with a paradigm shift.

